July 5, 2024by admin

Perusahaan kami terutama memiliki jenis sparepart roller konveyor (motorize roller, gravity roller, dan lainnya), Teknologi kami mengikuti standard dari Jerman, sehingga produk memiliki tingkat desain tinggi dan kinerja luar biasa. Produk kami banyak digunakan di bidang pertambangan, listrik, rolling, arsitektur, karet, kimia, makanan, pos dan peralatan listrik. Dibawah adalah jenis produk dan tipe roller yang bisa kami sediakan.

A. Gravity & Roller Conveyor

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1.Steel bearing housing, precision bearing, sturdy and durable

2.Many options of diameter, wide range of load capacity

3.Could apply in high speed and conditions of -10~80℃



  1. The precision ball bearing is fixed by impact in the steel housing, tight and durable.
  2. Tight steel bearing unit could bear more axial force than plastic bearing unit.
  3. Make it possible for the roller to work in the high or low temperature beyond the plastic part bear (e. G. Oven or cold storage)
  4. Complete series of diameter, wide range of load capacity.
  5. Compared with DP1200 series with polymer bearing unit, its noise is a bit louder.
  6. Operation temperature: -10~+80℃.

B. Pulley Drive & Idler

Gedung Wirausaha Lt. 1, Unit 104, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, kav. C-5,
Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan, 12920
Jl. Penggilingan, RT012/RW07, No. 179, Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13940
Telpon & Whtasapp
+62 21 5010 5731
+62 811-8453-877

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